CSSC in the News

    The Lion Who Would Save the World
    18 July 2024

    Inheritance by Harvey Whitehouse review – the power of unity
    The Guardian
    04 July 2024

    Why we get the leaders we do
    iai news
    02 July 2024

    Why War? by Richard Overy and Inheritance by Harvey Whitehouse profound mapping of 
    belief conformity and violence across time
    Irish Times 
    22 June 2024

    Extremism Researcher Julia Ebner Receives Prestigious Open Society Prize of 
    Central European University
    Central European University
    21 June 2024

    Why humanity’s survival may depend on us becoming a tribe of billions
    New Scientist
    17 June 2024

    New Publication: Inheritance
    University of Oxford
    13 June 2024

    Inheritance: How Evolution Shaped Our Brains and Forged the Modern World
    The Garden of Forking Paths
    13 June 2024

    Study reveals how humanity could unite to address global challenges
    University of Oxford
    17 April 2024


    Work to predict extreme violence amongst online users wins MRS Presidents Medal 
    University of Oxford
    11 December 2023

    The dangerous rise of extreme fasting
    16 July 2023

    The Big Idea: Is it too late to stop extremism taking over politics?
    The Guardian
    31 July 2023



'Shared bad memories' bind fighters and terrorists to their groups
University of Oxford

Research in Conversation: Being Human
University of Oxford

Children from non-religious homes are more generous than their peers, study suggests
The Conversation

Five surprising findings about death and dying
The Conversation

Religion Ain’t Sexy – But Why?
Huffington Post

The Psychology of Political Differences
Huffington Post

Why We Should Talk More About Death
Huffington Post

What Motivates Extreme Self-Sacrifice?
Pacific Standard


Researchers Quantify Bonds Formed by Combatants in Libya Conflict
Toronto Star

Libyan Bands of Brothers Show How Deeply Humans Bond in Adversity
The Conversation

In the face of Adversity and War, Bonds among Soldiers are as Strong as Kinship
ZME Science

To Understand Religion, Think Football

Rituale (PDF)


Why Your Lucky Underwear and Pre-Game Routine Might Actually Work
Smithsonian Magazine


Human Rites


The Good God Guide
The Economist

Der Sinn von Ritualen: Beispiel Religion (PDF)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spezial 1


The Secret That Makes Religion (PDF)
New Scientist


Explaining Religion: What's Love Got to Do With It?
Faith & Reason, USA Today

What Does That Stick in the Mud Mean?
Steven Waldman’s Blog, Beliefnet


Religion - What Is It Good For?
The Globe and Mail

The Great Divide
Times Higher Education

Frachtgut aus der Ahnenweltn (PDF)
Geo Kompakt No. 16

Commentary: What Is This Thing Called Religion?
New Scientist

Where Angels No Longer Fear to Tread
The Economist